Friday, January 11, 2008

Twas' the night after house hunting

To catch everyone up to speed...
Hello. We are starting a blog. This blog is a good place to tell you what is going on in our lives. We're too cheap to spend money on 100 stamps to send out Hodges Herald (a holiday newsletter, of course).

We are house hunting in the fine city of Grandview Heights, Ohio.

"Where is that?", you ask. "I've never heard of that place", you say.

Well, it's a good place. Take our word for it.

Grandview is a "suburb" on the west side of Columbus. It's small, has a terrific school system (with the associated high taxes - take note, this will come up in future posts), is cute and artsy, is close to downtown - and, most importantly, it's close to OSU. That's where I, Kate, have been working since February '07.

I recently sold my car to my Mom and now drive a scooter. Scooters will only get you so far, and I loathe commuting in general, so Grandview it is. It's the only area that will get us within 10 minutes of my work without having to put all of our future children through private schools to avoid Columbus Public.

We looked at two properties today. We're looking at three more tomorrow. Expect a lengthy writeup on the flip side.

Hasta la pasta,

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